Friday, November 1, 2013

IMPORTANT- Changes Coming to Fowler's Film Blog

Before I get started, I'd like to address all of my followers by simply saying "Thank you." You've really helped motivate me for the last six months to continue posting to this blog each week.

Now, on to what the title reads.

When I covered various horror films in October, it was one of the first times where I felt what I was saying was the most concise I had ever been on reviewing movies. While it had happened when I covered The Lord of the Rings Trilogy and reviewing Batman and The Dark Knight back to back, it was covering numerous films in the same genre in a loose chronological order that made my analysis improve with each film I reviewed. Not to mention the fact that it was fun. If you noticed, these reviews came out sporadically, instead of Thursday night like all my other reviews. My look at horror movies really helped breathe new life and motivation for this blog, so I thought I would take the time to announce the new format for Fowler's Film Blog.
1.  A Sporadic Schedule- Rather than post a review every Thursday night, my followers should be prepared to receive a blog post within a few days of each other. It could be as low as 2 to 3 or as high as 6 to 7, the important part is that the reviews will not be as structured and rigid in the release date and hopefully, that will allow me to incorporate fresh thoughts about the film after seeing it, instead of "HAVING" to wait a week to share my thoughts.

2. Focusing on Film Topics- Thanks to my horror retrospective month, I have the need to focus on topics like that for my reviews from now on. I don't have a specific number planned and or even limiting the time to only a month. The goal is to continue developing chronological analysis of a genre or era in film history. A good example to use is that after Christmas this year, I'll be starting a review series on Disney films through January. The goal is to NOT cover all the Disney movies on the list, only a handful (most likely half) to leave the topic open for me to come back to it in the future.

3. YOU Have a Say in What I Review- While I have been open to suggestions through my friends on my personal Facebook page, I know there are some wondering if I take requests. Yes I do, and I'd like to enforce it more than ever. If you want to comment with suggestions for either themes for a specific month or films for that month, please feel free to do so and I will most definitely put them into consideration, the only criteria it needs to meet is being on Steven Jay Schneider's 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die book. You can find many versions of the list online, with the most updated number being a total of 1154 movies listed.

4. Topics List- I thought I'd share briefly the topics I'm considering covering for the next few months, then you can feel free to leave a comment for a topic you'd either like to see in the near future.

  • Silent Films (My next review series from November through mid December)
  • Christmas Films (Only three reviews during the Holiday season)
  • Disney Films (After Christmas through January)
  • Musicals (Contemplating for February, that or Romantic Films)
  • Gangster Films (Mobster March, come on, the title writes itself)
  • More genre pieces (Science Fiction, Anime, Westerns, etc.)
  • A look at a director's work? (Spielberg, Kubrick, Scorcese, Hitchcock, Tarantino etc.)
  • A look at an actor's work? (Tom Hanks, Brad Pitt, John Travolta, etc.)

This schedule is tentative and is open for other suggestions, so let me know in the comments below.

Thank you to those who have supported me for six months, and to those who will keep following me.


Danny Fowler (a.k.a. The Author)

Copyright 2013 Fowler's Film Blog. Images are owned by Quintessence Editions

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